In preparation for our time together we invite you to submit resources to help inform ways that we can incentivize neighboring practices and the creation of more affordable homes across a continuum of service. For instance, the graphic below is taken from the National Low Income Housing Coalition and is helpful in defining the affordable housing landscape in Pennsylvania. A link is provided at the bottom of this page where you can submit resources that you have found informative and would like to share with others.

Resourcing a Continuum of Service…


Contribute to a growing directory of advocacy and awareness resources related to affordable housing.


Share opportunities and resources for those seeking long-term permanent housing.


Share promising public and private resources that may help amplify and resource neighboring initiatives.


Help build a list of best practices for those in immediate need of affordable housing support services.

Research and Evaluation

Submit opportunities to get involved in affordable housing research and evaluation.

Neighboring Practices

Offer examples of neighboring and community engagement to create more affordable homes.


Add to the growing body of resources to help with transitional support and education toward more permanent housing.

Policy and Planning

Pass along resources for municipal leaders to help advance neighboring principals

Neighboring Paradigms

Send us examples where you see neighboring being use to shift conversations about housing,, and change thinking about community development / city planning.